Zvi is a renowned ballet teacher with a devoted following throughout the world, hailed by The New York Times as The Zen Dance Master of New York. He was born and raised in the kibbutz Mesilot in Israel. He began his artistic career as a gifted violinist and started dancing at seventeen. He arrived in New York in 1978 on a dance scholarship from the America-Israel Cultural Foundation and danced with the Joyce Trisler Dance Company, Feld Ballets/NY, and with BatSheva Dance Company. Zvi is the recipient of two New York Foundation for the Arts Choreography fellowships and The National Arts Club Weiselberg Award. He founded ZviDance in 1989 and is now an internationally acclaimed choreographer and Artistic Director. Praised for a signature innovative style and fascinating melding of artistic mediums, his work is recognized as radical, contemporary dance theater, ground-breaking, thoughtful yet passionate, with lush movement.
Photographer: Maria Baranova-Suzuki